Ecofriendly Employee Recognition

We're making a new start this year with some eco-friendly swaps! While we're in the business of building people up, we wanted to make sure we're having a positive effect on our environment too.
Sustainable Presentation Packaging
We're proud to offer new eco-friendly presentation packaging! Recognise your employees with a service award pin in a memorable but sustainable way. The paper-based pillow presentation box has a modern and sleek design, a lower carbon footprint from production, and is easily recycled in mainstream recycling systems.
Our despatch team are our unsung environment heroes – they’re always working hard to save materials and recycle. Have you noticed our packing bubbles smell like corn, because they are! Where possible we've started to use honeycomb packing instead bubble wrap.
Our satchels and labels are compostable, so they can go straight into the compost bin. We're discussing eco-friendly packaging options with our suppliers to reduce the amount of single-use plastics we pass on, and we've had fun swapping our toilet paper supplier to plastic-free Who Gives A Crap (because we do...about the earth!
Make the swap
We've still got lots of eco-friendly swaps in the works, and hope you're encouraged to make changes too. Why not swap to our brown paper gift wrap jazzed up with hemp bows!
If you've got an idea of how to make your recognition program more environmentally friendly, for example packing or wrapping materials preference, we'd love to hear from you!